Holography 2013 in Tama Art University

October 2013
Tama Art University Kaminoge(多摩美術大学、上野毛) The exhibition for Holography which is 3Dimention image but also I exhibited photo works
Yadokari Tokyo Nabeyoko ni Art

December 2013
Yadokari Tokyo Nabeyoko ni Art (ヤドカリトーキョー 「なべよこ ni アート」) at Tokyo Nabeyoko shopping street (鍋横商店街) I participated in the art event and also some other artists participated
Ikebukuro Artgathering 2015

May 2015
Ikebukuro Artgathering 2015 Wacca(a shoping mall)Ikebukuro I participated in the art event
Art Trace Gallery Photo exhibition -Negative-

September 2015
ART TRACE GALLERY Photo Exhibition Negative Organized by Kenji Tajiri Some art photographers participated in his exhibition
Ikebukuro Artgathering 2016

May 2016
Ikebukuro Artgathering 2016 at Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre (池袋アートギャザリング東京芸術劇場)
Negative then

April 2107
ART TRACE GALLERY Photo Exhibition Negative then Kenji Tajiri who organized this exhibition as well as Negative 2105 and also some other art photographers participated
Art Karlsruhe 2018 Germany

February 2018
art KARLSRUHE is famouse art fair in Germany I participated in the art fair
Diversity vol1

July 2018
Kenji Tajiri invited art photographers and he held the exhibition I participated in his exhibition but also many kind of photographer participated in the exhibition